When addressing men’s health issues such as erectile dysfunction (ED) and hair loss, medical professionals often advise patients to quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption. Besides the difficulty some people have with giving up these addictive substances, it is often not made clear why making these lifestyle changes really matter.

Here’s a closer look at the impact of these habits on men’s health, and what can be done to make a difference.

Smoking and ED

Research shows that men who smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products are up to twice as likely to experience ED as men who do not. The main reason for this is that smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict, which hinders the flow of blood around the body.

The vessels that supply the penis are particularly narrow, so any issues tend to become apparent in this area first. Cigarettes contain harmful chemicals such as nitrous oxide that can permanently damage the blood vessels, reducing the elasticity and making it more difficult to get an erection.

Nitric oxide is manufactured naturally by the body and plays an essential role in the relaxation of the penile muscles to prepare for the increased blood flow in response to sexual stimulation. The chemicals in cigarettes can interfere with the production of nitrous oxide, further exacerbating ED.

Smoking can also contribute to other factors that cause ED, including heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. There may also be a link between smoking and low testosterone levels, which can reduce the sex drive and impact sexual function.

Furthermore, smoking can exacerbate mental health issues such as stress and anxiety, which are also linked to ED.

Smoking & Hair Loss

As we have seen, smoking cigarettes can hamper blood circulation to all areas of the body, and that includes the hair follicles on the scalp. This can deprive the follicles of oxygen, the essential nutrients they need to grow a healthy head of hair.

This may eventually result in hair that is sparser and finer, and contribute to the rate of hair loss from other causes, such as male pattern baldness, stress, or illness. There is some evidence to suggest that smoking can lead to chronic inflammation, which can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle.

Alcohol & Erectile Dysfunction

Alcohol can help us to feel more confident with sexual partners, but unfortunately, too much alcohol disrupts the messengers between the brain and penis, making it more difficult to physically respond to sexual stimulation. In the long term, it can lower testosterone levels, which diminishes the sex drive, and eventually, it can cause the genitals to shrink.

Initially, alcohol reduces inhibitions and can provide a quick libido boost, but after a few hours this effect wears off, and it increases the risk of anxiety and depression. Long-term drinkers may suffer from chronic mental health problems, which can reduce sexual desire and responsiveness or lead to performance anxiety.

Alcohol and hair loss.

Excess alcohol consumption can lead to nutrient deficiencies because the internal organs are occupied with processing the toxins in alcohol rather than absorbing and distributing essential vitamins and minerals. Healthy hair needs nutrients such as zinc, iron, and biotin, and alcohol can deplete the body of these nutrients.

Alcohol also dehydrates the body, and this can prevent enough water from reaching the cells in the hair follicles. This can lead to dry and brittle hair that is prone to breakage.

Furthermore, as we have seen, long-term abuse of alcohol can lower testosterone levels in men. This unbalances the overall levels of hormones in the body, elevating levels of oestrogen, triggering weight gain and thinning hair.

Seeking Help & Support to Stop Smoking & Reduce Drinking

Some people find giving up smoking and/or reducing alcohol consumption relatively easy, especially if they are motivated by better sexual health or an improved appearance. However, others may need professional support to adopt a healthier lifestyle, through counselling, medication, or a combination of both.

Men who suffer from ED are strongly advised to see a doctor, because there may be underlying medical issues that need urgent attention. Male hair loss can be successfully treated with products such as finasteride, which is available to buy cheaply online.