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Top Tips To Make Sex Last Longer

A question that occurs to all men at some stage is how to make sexual activity last a little longer. Sometimes, the spirit may be willing, but the body is flagging. It happens to most guys now and then, due to tiredness or just not being in the mood. Some men shrug it...

Could 10,000 Steps A Day Lead To A Better Sex Life?

Anyone who has done a little research into how to improve their sexual performance will have read that exercise is one of the best things that you can do. This is not only because it reduces stress and boosts our mood, but also because it gets the blood flowing to all...

Are Millennials Having Less Sex?

The millennial generation who are aged between 26 and 41 should be in their sexual prime, yet they are having less sex than any previous generation, several studies have shown. This is true for both casual sex and those in committed relationships. There are various...

Why ED Is Not a Normal Part of Aging

A new survey has found that over a third of Brits (34%) think that erectile dysfunction is a normal part of getting older. The Metro reports that this is one of the most commonly believed sex myths, and it is incorrect according to health experts. However, it is true...

Erectile Dysfunction Added To Long Covid Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been added to the official list of Long Covid symptoms, according to the results of a study by researchers at the University of Birmingham. Academics studied the health records of 2.4 million people in the UK, and identified 61 symptoms...

Record Numbers Of Over 80s Using Viagra

Men over 80 years old got a record 182,000 prescriptions for Viagra last year, The Mirror reports. 5,759 of these were for men over the age of 90, which just goes to show that it is possible to have a healthy sex life even into old age. Overall, there were 4.29...

Tips To Improve The Appearance Of Thinning Hair

The majority of men find that their hair starts to become thinner at some stage. For some, this may even begin in their twenties, if they are prone to hereditary male pattern baldness. By the age of 50, over half of all men experience some form of hair loss, whether...

Did You Know These Common Medications Can Cause ED?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can affect men of any age, and the most frequent causes are well known. It is not a natural consequence of ageing, although greater numbers of older than younger men are diagnosed with ED. This is because the most common problems such as high...