Study Finds Viagra As Possible Alzheimer’s Treatment

Scientists in the US have said that users of sildenafil, the generic name for Viagra, are 69 per cent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s Disease than non-users. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of age-related dementia and affects millions of people around the...

Erectile Dysfunction ‘A Problem Of Young Men Too’

Often it is imagined that the kind of men who would buy cheap Sildenafil online or seek other erectile dysfunction solutions are middle-aged or older, carrying excess weight or suffering from poor health in some other respect. However, this stereotype has been...

Tips On Preventing Erectile Dysfunction

A huge number of men will experience problems with erectile dysfunction (ED) during their lifetime, with one in five males in the UK being affected by the condition. However, there are some things you can do to prevent or delay developing ED. Read on to find out more....

Debunking Common Myths About ED Medication

There are far fewer shadows under which myths about both erectile dysfunction and the ways to treat it can hide ever since the release of the first ED oral medication in 1998. In a post-Viagra world where any man who is having issues in bed can order sildenafil online...

What Are The Side Effects Of Sildenafil?

If you’ve been experiencing issues in the bedroom, it can be devastating to your confidence and self-esteem, but the best thing you can do to address the problem is to talk to your GP, who will be able to determine the cause and prescribe medication such as...

Can A Plant-Based Diet Boost Your Sexual Health?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can feel embarrassing to talk about and can have a detrimental impact on your mental health. But ED is very common in men of all ages, and the first thing you should do is talk to your GP, who can determine the root cause of the condition, as...

Football Giants Reveal Viagra Approach

Men in need of medication to tackle their erectile dysfunction issues may find they can get great results if they buy cheap sildenafil online. But the drug, known in its original patented form as Viagra, was once close to being associated with another form of...

The Unusual Story Of Sildenafil’s Discovery

One of the best words to describe the evolution of treatment for erectile dysfunction is serendipity. The idea of serendipity is where something fascinating, useful or valuable is discovered purely by chance. The treatments for ED we have today exist due to a series...