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Erectile dysfunction is a condition that many men will get at some point in their lives but is also a
very treatable condition.

With it now being easier than ever to get sildenafil online, and over two decades of people getting
treatment, there have been many celebrities who have discussed ED, either as outright spokesmen
for different medications or as part of different interviews.

Here are some of the most famous names who have discussed ED.

Sir Tom Jones

The legendary Welsh singer Sir Tom Jones is known for writing the song Sex Bomb, but he is also
open about his sex life and the “little help” he gets now and again from Viagra.
In an episode of the WTF podcast with Marc Maron, Tom talked about his sex life at 80 and said
there was no shame in taking Viagra, a refreshingly honest take on a subject many men are quiet

Although it is far from surprising that the man who brought the world Sex Bomb was honest about
his sex life.


One of the world’s most famous football players, Pele was a longtime Viagra spokesperson and was
in fact, one of the first faces of the brand when it initially launched in 1998.

That led to this advert which proclaims that men do not have to suffer in silence anymore, one that
was dubbed into multiple different languages and was a stepping stone for many men to discuss ED
with their doctor.

Bob Dole

The former presidential candidate was one of the first spokesmen for ED and due to the memorable
and personal nature of his first advert had a major contribution to people seeking help for the

The campaign, the first advert campaign to ever use the term erectile dysfunction, centred around
Senator Dole’s prostate cancer and its side effects, and the courage to reach out and find help if you
need it.

In a time when the causes and effects of ED are far more well known, it is difficult to emphasise
just how much this changed the conversation, by highlighting that ED is a condition to be treated
rather than a personal failing or a point of mockery.

Mike Ditka

The cigar-chomping, loudmouth and brutally honest coach for the Chicago Bears was sponsored by
vardenafil brand Levitra to create a notable advert in 2003 that compared Baseball (which,
amusingly enough, was sponsored by competitor product Viagra) and American Football.

The amusing, cheeky advert was released during the early peak of ED medication, around the time
of the height of popularity for Viagra and the release of Levitra and Cialis.

Mark Martin

A very popular older racing driver in the United States, Mark Martin had a five-year sponsorship deal that aimed to emphasise the importance of discussing and seeking help for a variety of men’s health concerns that have ED as a symptom.

The campaign had a huge effect on cancer rates in the United States, causing a decline in prostate
and testicular cancer, a side effect of the advertising blitz.