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Generally, when a man is urged to “put a ring on it”, in the words of the Beyonce song, it is meant to mean he is capable of following through with his proposal by being able to make the marital bedroom a fun place. However, another ring may be put to use when a medical issue prevents this from happening.

In a story first broken by the Sun (who else?), it has been revealed that medical devices firm Adam Health has invented The Adam Sensor, a ring that a man can place around his penis at night. Comfortable to wear, it is wrapped around the base of the organ and will monitor how many erections he has each night.

The purpose of this is to detect if he is still having the number of nocturnal erections he should get during the night, which is between three and five. If the number starts dropping below this on a consistent basis, that may be an indication of a looming problem.

A case, perhaps, of “If you like it to function you should put a ring on it” – with the assumption being that if this can help with diagnosis.

This is because erectile dysfunction can sometimes be a psychological issue rather than the result of a physical problem. If a man is still able to have erections while asleep but cannot get one when sex is in prospect, this can demonstrate that the problem is a mental one. If, on the other hand, there is less happening when he’s asleep, this will be a strong indication that the issue is medical.

For anyone thinking of buying cheap sildenafil online, an accurate diagnosis can certainly be helpful, not least if a psychological solution can be ruled out, ensuring nobody wastes time getting counselling for a problem of biomedical origin.

Founder of Adam Health Christos Vasilakos told the paper: “If nighttime erections are impacted, the most common reason is ageing. It might also be nerve damage if you are diabetic, caused by low testosterone or signal cardiovascular problems.”

Diabetes is certainly a very common cause of erectile dysfunction, and given the links between the two, any diagnosis of one may be linked with the other. As Diabetes UK notes, there are several ways the disease can cause erectile dysfunction, the most obvious being the central issue of excessive blood sugar. This can have the impact of causing damage to blood vessels and nerves, making it harder to get the nerve signals and blood flow to the right area.

In addition, high blood pressure and increased cholesterol can also cause issues with blood flow, so these can also lead to dysfunction.

All this goes to show that, however it is diagnosed, erectile dysfunction is something that can have many causes. And while it can indeed sometimes be a psychological problem, it is all too often a medical issue caused by declining health with age, or medical conditions that need to be managed in a range of ways.

When a man takes the necessary steps to be able to remain active in the bedroom, either his wife or “all the single ladies” might have much to be pleased about.