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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects almost all men at some point in their lives, and it becomes more common after the age of 50. There are very effective ways to treat ED, so it’s not something that should be suffered in silence.

As the first line of treatment, most doctors or pharmacists will recommend oral medications such as Cialis. It’s available without prescription, and can be bought cheaply online under the trade name tadalafil. However, some men prefer to explore natural alternatives to manage their symptoms.

This is understandable, particularly as they can be perceived to be more accessible and affordable, and may have fewer side effects. However, not all natural remedies are completely reliable or effective, or supported by evidence-based research. Here’s a look at which approaches are backed by science, and which ones may do more harm than good.

Helpful natural ED remedies

Lifestyle changes

The most potentially effective natural ED remedies are lifestyle changes: there is a substantial body of scientific evidence to support eating healthily, taking regular exercise, giving up smoking, and limiting alcohol intake.


Good sexual function requires healthy blood vessels, and this can be compromised by a poor diet that is high in processed foods, fats, and sugars, which can cause high cholesterol, obesity and nerve damage. Therefore healthy dietary choices can significantly reduce the risk of developing ED by supporting optimum blood flow.

One of the best diets for all-round vascular health is considered to be the Mediterranean diet. This is a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and olive oil. It includes oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, and limited amounts of lean white meat and dairy products.

There is some evidence that foods high in flavonoids, such as red berries, dark chocolate, tomatoes, broccoli, red onions, kale and lettuce can help to reduce the risk of ED. This is because flavonoids can improve circulation and help to manage high blood pressure.

They also have anti-inflammatory properties and may help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which is a known cause of ED. The foods that contain flavonoids are also excellent for supporting all round good physical and mental health and managing weight, which is important to maintain sexual function, particularly in middle and older age.


Most people are aware of the benefits of regular exercise: it strengthens the heart muscles and reduces the risk of clogged arteries; it helps to manage stress levels; and it can maintain testosterone levels as men get older. All of these factors contribute to better sexual function.

For best results, try a mixture of aerobic exercise, strength training, and kegel exercises. Aerobic exercise includes activities such as running, swimming, and cycling, and it improves circulation and therefore lowers the risk of ED. Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and can support erectile function.

Strength training involves building muscle through bodyweight exercises such as planks, squats, or press-ups, using resistance bands or lifting weights. As well as helping to build muscle mass and aid with weight loss, it can help to maintain testosterone levels, which in turn supports the sex drive and good sexual function.

Supplements that may help to treat ED

There are a range of natural supplements on the market that claim to cure ED, but in most cases the evidence is very mixed or limited to a few small scale studies. Here’s a look at some of the claims.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng is a herb that is native to Korea, China, and Siberia. It contains active substances including ginsenosides or panaxosides. There is a small amount of evidence that it may enhance nitric oxide production, which can enhance the blood flow in the vessels that supply the penis.

However, the herb is not officially approved or recommended as an ED treatment by any medical regulation bodies.

Rhodiola Rosea

This adaptogenic herb has been used as a traditional remedy for a wide range of ailments, including ED, for centuries. However, there is very limited scientific evidence that it is an effective ED treatment. It may also cause side effects including dizziness and a dry mouth.

Zinc supplements

Zinc is often recommended as an ED treatment because it does support healthy testosterone levels. However, unless a man is very testosterone deficient, taking zinc supplements alone is unlikely to make much of a difference to ED and may cause harmful excesses to build up in the body.

Psychological treatments

The connection between mental and sexual function in men is often overlooked, but it is an important factor to consider as mental health problems such as anxiety and depression can cause ED, or it is more difficult to recover from. Unfortunately, ED can be a sensitive topic that many men find difficult to discuss openly, and this can perpetuate the problem.

Stress is one of the most common causes of ED, particularly in middle age when pressures around work, finances, families and relationships can start to mount up. Experiencing ED can contribute to the stress, as often it causes men to withdraw from close relationships and feel ashamed or inadequate.

It is possible to manage stress with self-help techniques and lifestyle changes, and in many cases this can lead to improved sexual function. Previously discussed factors such as a healthy diet and regular exercise boost overall wellbeing and can contribute to lower stress levels and a better mood.

Other natural interventions that may help include mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing exercises. Therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy can help to challenge negative thoughts, which may help men who are struggling with low self esteem or performance anxiety.

Couples therapy may be beneficial if ED has led to a strained relationship, because it can help to open up new lines of communication and reduce the amount of misunderstandings, leading to greater trust, acceptance and intimacy.

Ultimately, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before embarking on any form of ED treatment, whether approved medications or natural or alternative remedies.